from matter to decision
Train designers of all transitions, able to take on the immense challenges of the 21st century - global warming, fall in biodiversity, democratic crisis, economic crisis, health crisis - and help create the conditions for successful life experiences for all and everyone, from matter to decision, from product to experience.
from matter to decision
Train designers of all transitions, able to take on the immense challenges of the 21st century - global warming, fall in biodiversity, democratic crisis, economic crisis, health crisis - and help create the conditions for successful life experiences for all and everyone, from matter to decision, from product to experience.
from matter to decision
Train designers of all transitions, able to take on the immense challenges of the 21st century - global warming, fall in biodiversity, democratic crisis, economic crisis, health crisis - and help create the conditions for successful life experiences for all and everyone, from matter to decision, from product to experience.
for all
The 1st year of CY school of design is now open
to all baccalaureate holders, general or professional.
As a public school, it is also open to social diversity: school is free of charge for scholarship holders.
For the others, tuition fees are 3,500€ (6,000€ for no European) the 1st, 2nd, 3rd (4th year at the beginning of the school year).
The last 2 years are embedded, and are therefore free of tuition fees.
Applying to the 1st year: Parcoursup
Are you currently enrolled in the Terminale (whatever specialty) in France or in a French lycée abroad?
The GalaxYDesign Competition is open to you, to enter the 1st year of CY School of Design.
As part of the Baccalaureate reform, you can apply regardless of your choice of specialities at the school.
To apply, all you have to do is choose the Galaxy Bac Contest when formulating your wishes on Parcoursup, between 20 January and 11 March 2021.
Applying to 4th year
Are you currently enrolled in the Terminale (whatever specialty) in France or in a French lycée abroad?
The GalaxYDesign Competition is open to you, to enter the 1st year of CY School of Design.
As part of the Baccalaureate reform, you can apply regardless of your choice of specialities at the school.
To apply, all you have to do is choose the Galaxy Bac Contest when formulating your wishes on Parcoursup, between 20 January and 11 March 2021.
Meeting us
Are you interested in design, would you like to find out more about our school, visit the campus or benefit from an orientation interview?
Do not hesitate to contact us.
We will organise a meeting, either online or in person, according to your availability.
You will also be able to meet us during the open days that we organise every month.
Meeting us
Une recherche pluridisciplinaire : l’ambition de CY design research est de comprendre comment se structure l’intimité des disciplines comme analysée par la philosophe des sciences Anne-Françoise Schmid.
Le groupe de recherche de CY école de design fait partie du laboratoire ETIS - UMR CNRS 8051
Le groupe inclut ainsi le design, les sciences de la conception, sciences de l’information et de la communication, sciences de gestion, sciences politiques, agro-écologie.
Ce sont des partenariats pluridisciplinaires génératifs : pour créer les concepts, les méthodes, les dispositifs qui permettront de répondre aux crises sociales, écologiques, et politiques.
Le conseil scientifique
Le Conseil scientifique est constitué, à parité, d'hommes et de femmes engagé.e.s dans la recherche en, par et pour le design.
Cette instance a vocation à éclairer le chemin académique et pédagogique de l'école.
Présidé par Frédéric Vidal, Professeur des universités, Vice-président à la Recherche de CY Cergy Paris Université, il est composé de :
Cynthia Fleury : Philosophe - Professeur au CNAM, titulaire de la Chaire Humanités et Santé
Pathum Bila-Deroussy : PhD - Manager chez Tenzing Conseil
Dorothée Browaeys : Chief Executive Officer at
Antoine Fenoglio : Designer, co-fondateur des Sismo
Alexandre Monnin : Directeur scientifique du Origens Medialab, Professeur l’ESC Clermont BS
Fabienne Munch : Executive Director – University of Chicago
Stéphane Vial : Professeur - École de design de l’UQAM. Chairholder of the UQAM Research Chair in Design for e-Mental Health
Sophie Pène : Professeur – Université de Paris EURIP CRI
Catherine Ramus : Designer-chercheur
Orange Labs / Human and Social Sciences Lab) -
Remy Bourganel : Designer, enseignant à SciencesPo Paris, et Umea Institute of Design
Aline Caranicolas : responsable des partenariats industriels au CEA