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While talents are individual, success is always collective.
We must therefore multiply collaborations and partnerships to create the conditions for these successes, whether academic, educational or professional, in France and abroad.

CY Alliance

CY Alliance

As part of CY Tech, the engineering school of CY Cergy Paris University, our design school is the natural partner of all the schools present in CY Alliance, with which it collaborates in several ways:

  • Creation of double degrees

  • Inter-school projects

  • Cross research programmes

  • Creation of cross courses


We thus stress the fundamentally x-disciplinary nature of a design education, which links actors, issues, knowledge and methods.

ecole design allliance

EUTOPIA - european university

EUTOPIA is the alliance of 6 European universities: Vrije Universitat Brussels, CY Cergy Paris University, the University of Gothenburg, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Pompeu Fabra and the University of Warwick. They are working to build a university model reflecting an open and united Europe, respectful of citizens and the environment.

école design européenne

CY entreprendre

The mission of CY Entreprendre is to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship to as many students and teachers as possible.

It carries the activity of the local PEPITE scheme, which widely raises awareness of entrepreneurship and supports and trains student entrepreneurs. CY design school is a stakeholder in the project.

Logo de CY Entreprendre
CY Entrependre

city of Saint-germain-en-laye

Part of the IxBlue Campus, a stone's throw from SciencesPo Saint-Germain-en-Laye, INSPE, SupdeVente and the Lycée international, CY school of design is part of the city's major project to become a major territory for higher education.

ecole design saint germain en laye

CITY of cergy-pontoise

A territory of innovation since its creation, the Cergy-Pontoise Agglomeration Community is an unlimited field of projects and studies, with which we will innovate each year on an urban theme.

ecole de design

Département du val d'oise

Val d'Oise

The Val d'Oise is a pioneer in public policy design, to the extent that it has its own designer. By capitalising on her experience, CY école de design will be developing a range of services for elected representatives and local authority staff.

ecole design val d'oise

Paris region

The Paris Region is the largest design territory, with a Strategic Design Council of which our school is a part. The Region finances the Open Lab Design of CY école de design, a Grand Innovation Hub which will welcome all students from the Alliance schools, but also all companies who wish to participate.

ecole design region ile de france

La turbine

The Val d'Oise is a pioneering territory in the design of public policies, to the point of having a designer in its midst. It is with the Val d'Oise, capitalising on its experience, that CY design school will develop an offer aimed at elected representatives and local authority actors.

ecole design la turbine
La Turbine


iXblue is a French high-tech company with products for the civil and military maritime and space sectors. The school is based on its Saint-Germain-en-Laye campus.
We work with them and the start-ups they host on innovation and training issues.




From the beginning, CY école de design has established itself as a major player in research in its field.

The school is a member of the prestigious Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation at the Centre Pompidou, created and directed until his death by the philosopher Bernard Stiegler.

It also sits on the editorial board of Sciences du Design, the only French-language peer-reviewed journal in the field, directed by Stéphane Vial, Professor at UQAM (Quebec). 

ecole de design institut de recherche
ecole de design sciences du design
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