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There was a time when engineers were also artists, a time when drawing served a purpose, when sensitivity was invoked as much as rational knowledge.

We must return to those "Leonardic" times and train engineers who put their scientific knowledge at the service of successful and lasting life experiences.

Training global designers

a math-IT/design double degree


CY Tech and CY design school are co-signing this double degree in Computer Science Design Engineer.

This 6-year course will train engineers capable of putting highly specialised computer knowledge and methods at the service of the design of objects, systems, interfaces, spaces, services and useful, successful and beautiful experiences, the ones that our lives, more than ever digitised, deserve.

The programme will welcome its first 40 students at the start of the 2021 academic year on the Cergy campus.

ingenieur designer
Responsible digitial

towards a responsable digital future

The digital revolution is still going on and its impact on our private and public, intimate and professional lives is growing every day. So is the impact on the planet and the environment.

We will have to find the right path and put these technologies at the service of each and every one of us, with respect for life and the planet.

How can we imagine new objects, new services, new experiences, capitalising on ever-expanding and responsible computer knowledge?

This is the whole purpose of this double degree.

ingenieur designer

An intimate blend

An initimate blend

The double diploma in Design Engineering is not the simple addition of modules from the two courses, but rather an innovative course where the requirements of the CTI's scientific apprenticeships are respected. Mathematics, computer science, physics, French, LV1, no dead end is possible.

At the same time, human sciences, drawing, volume, art culture and problem solving methods are approached within the framework of a pedagogy based on systematic projects, always centred on the human being.

ingenieur designer leonard de vinci
A project pedagogy

a project based pedagogy

In this double degree, you will always learn by doing, through projects that are always associated with a challenge, a field, and often a company.
All these projects motivate the acquisition of fundamental scientific knowledge, but also those from the human and social sciences. 

They are also the place where the design methodology is implemented, which then gives meaning to all this knowledge, creating the condition for strong and creative commitments.

The link between concepts and life is the condition for growing as a professional and as a human being.

ingenieur design

Details of the double-degree programme by pillar

Structuring / Analysing / Understanding

Modéliser / Calculer / Générer

The programme
  • Mathematical tools

  • Linear and bilinear algebra

  • Linear optimisation 

  • Analysis

  • Integration

  • Series

  • Probability

  • Statistics

  • Information theory

  • Graph theory and complexity

  • ...

  • Algorithms and programming

  • Operating systems

  • Unix control

  • Networks

  • Dynamic web programming

  • Mobile programming

  • Logic programming

  • Functional programming

  • Distributed Java development

  • Architecture and parallel programming

  • C++ programming

  • Systems and network programming

  • ...

Cultivating  yourself / Thinking / Writing

  • History of art

  • Contemporary history of design

  • History of political ideas

  • Technological cultures

  • Cultures of care

  • Cultures of science

  • Cultures of complexity

  • History of writing

  • Creative writing

  • Narrative writings

  • Documentary research methods

  • Research writings

Doing / Experimenting / Feeling

  • Manufacturing workshops

  • VR / AR / IoT workshops

  • Sensory Design Workshop

  • Model Workshop

  • Material, Material, Energy Workshop

  • Coding / programming

Creating / Solving / Collaborating


  • Perspective

  • Sketches

  • Paint/Colour

  • Illustration/sketch

  • Living model

  • Typography

  • Graphic design

  • Sculpture

  • Story Boarding

  • Mind mapping

  • Graphic facilitation

  •  Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • InDesign

  • 3DS Max

  • Premiere

  • After Effects

  • Photography

Observing / Understanding with the Human  Sciences

  • History of design theories

  • Design methodologies (and others)

  • Project Management

  • Engineering Sciences

  • Creative methodologies

  • Collective intelligence

  • Intercultural management

  • Long term projects (14 weeks)

  • Short projects (8 weeks)

  • Workshops (1 full week)

  • Inter-school project

  • Philosophy

  • Anthropology

  • Sociology

  • Ethnography

  • Semiotics

  • Economy

  • Cognitive Science

  • Psychology

  • Political Science

Understanding human organizations

  • Create/Undertake

  • Anticipate

  • Leader/Leader

  • Governing

  • Animate

  • Organize

  • Share

  • Finance

  • Design/Produce

  • Sell

  • communicate

Becoming a professional

  • English

  • Oral communication

  • Visual Communication,/ Book

  • The creative body

  • Professional support

  • Group workshops

  • Individual coaching

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