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Executive Educatio n




To train leaders, managers and executives who are and will be led to decide, direct, animate, create, solve, collaborate, act conscientiously to implement all transitions, including their own.

This is the challenge facing all companies and communities, as well as government departments.

This is the challenge we will help you meet.

formation design executive

The end of a model, the end of an illusion: the inconsequential exploitation of infinite resources. The global health crisis amplifies what the economic, social, political, climatic and biological crises have been telling us for a long time: the need to change and rethink the human project, without abandoning the idea of an open society and the desire for personal and collective development

an urgency to learn and act differently

An Emergency

We need to learn a method that is human-centred, collaborative, creative, multidisciplinary, iterative, pragmatic.


In order to train there, you have to get off the beaten track, to experiment with new formats, new modalities, new practices, as close as possible to the people, the problems and the territories, 

through a project-based pedagogy.

formation design responsable
Customized trainings

des formations adaptées

Nous offrons des formations toujours construites autour d’un projet, d’un terrain, toujours au contact avec le(s) vivant(s) :

  • Sur mesure : sur un brief de l’entreprise

  • Courtes : de 1 jour à  2 semaines

  • Intermédiaires : 1 mois à

  • 3 mois (part time/full time)

  • Longues : 6 mois à 1 an (part time/full time)

formation professionnelle design

exemple : cultures du soin


Comment remettre en perspective et connecter tous les enjeux du soin :

  • de soi,

  • des autres,

  • du vivant.


Quelles leçons en tirer, comment cela change-t-il nos rapports professionnels au quotidien ?

formation design

example: drawing on purpose

How the practice of non-verbal thinking - drawing - allows both :

  • to think,

  • to create,

  • to collaborate,

  • to communicate,

  • to lead.

It is a new relationship to gesture, to the body, to oneself, to others and to the world that is experienced 

formation executive designer
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