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Training creative 3D modellers with and for major industry players

Bachelor in
Creative 3D Modellinfg

Created for and with Renault, Stellantis and the Molb and Technicon Design agencies, this exceptional Bachelor Bachelor's degree trains the 3D digital modelling experts that industry has been waiting for!

Training global designers

• Bachelor en Modelage 3D créatif post-bac en 3 ans,
• Première année en Formation Initiale
• Deux dernières années en Alternance

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The professionals the industry has been waiting for

Wanted !

The automotive, aeronautics, luxury goods and other product industries are looking for modelling professionals who not only master all the techniques, methods and tools, but who can also bring real creativity to their productions.

In constant dialogue with designers and engineers alike, 3D modellers have the magnificent responsibility of giving shape to drawings, concepts and products, as well as bringing them to life.

Designed at the request of major industry players and leading 3D design agencies, the programme is built around 5 pillars:

  • General knowledge

  • Modelling techniques and tools (manual and digital)

  • Methods, Processes and Projects

  • Becoming a professional

  • Diploma project

Mastering 3D

Mastering 3D at 360°

With this Bachelor's degree in hand, graduates master all the methods, techniques, concepts and software involved in 3D modelling:

  • CGI imaging -Realtime (lighting, textures, animations, etc.)

  • Surface modelling

  • Poly-SubD modelling (digital sculpture)

  • Parametric and procedural modelling, etc.


These digital practices are all the more effective because they are also based on the practice of physical volume (particularly in the Clay workshop), as well as drawing by hand and on a tablet. It's impossible to do without the physical sensibility of volume to excel on a screen.

Nothing is possible, however, without a general knowledge that anchors and justifies the modeller's productions by placing them in a historical context.

A 3 year long program

The Bachelor's degree in Creative 3D Modelling is in a 1+2 year format.

Year 1: This very intensive first year (650 hours) of initial training is dedicated to acquiring the fundamental knowledge, methodologies, practices and techniques of manual and digital 3D modelling.


 Years 2 and 3: The final 2 years are spent on work-study programmes, in particular with our partners, with 3 weeks in companies and 1 week at school. They are dedicated to developing techniques and methods. The 3rd year is largely devoted to the diploma project.

Free on social criteria, tuition fees are €7,500 for the first year alone (free for Crous scholarship holders), with the last 2 years paid for by the companies that take on our work-study students, making it the cheapest and most professionally-oriented course on the market.

A 3-year professional training course

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The programme

Details of the Creative Modelling bachelor's programme by pillar

Cultivating / Thinking / Writing


  • Art History - (Sculpture-Plastic-Graphic)

  • History of Design - Stylism (Product-Transport)

  • History of 3D Modelling

Methods, process & projects

  • Design methodology

  • Design processes (stages, milestones, class A, validation, etc.)

  • 3D CAD methodology (POLY-NURBS)

  • CGI Imaging methodology

  • Manufacturing methods (Mock-up-Proto-Artisanal-Industrial)

  • Project methodology / project management

  • Major projects

  • Thematic workshops

Becoming a professional

  • English

  • Oral communication 

  • The body at work

  • Understanding corporations

  • Career support - Group workshop

  • Career support - Individual follow-up


  • Graphic expression (sketching, illustration, graphics, etc.)

  • Reading Sketches / Photo (compositing, lighting, etc.)

  • Plastic expression (clay, sculpture, etc.)

  • Reading volume / silhouette / masses



  • CGI imagery - Realtime (lighting, textures, animations, etc.)
    2D - Photoshop / Illustrator
    Surface modelling
    Poly-SubD modelling (digital sculpture)
    Programmed approach (parametric, procedural, etc.)

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