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Global Designer


designer ?

The world needs designers capable of embracing the complexity of problems and responding to them with systemic approaches, without prejudging the form or nature of the answers. It is the questions they can answer that characterise them, not their field of answers or their limits.

Not a specialist

Embracing complexity: the end of specialities

Open, multicultural, connected, digital, ecological, ethical, political: the 21st century is one of increasing complexity, a century in which there is no longer any question of producing objects, spaces or services that are disconnected from their context, and above all disconnected from their impact.

Our life situations are complex and therefore intermingle needs as well as desires, functions as well as pleasure, reason as well as imagination.

devenir designer global
Think System

Deploying a systemic approach

The mission of a global designer is to take an interest in these life situations, in their entirety, without prejudging the nature of the response: object, space, interface or service. He must be capable, in teamwork, of proposing them all, in the end.

It is therefore a system that the global designer constructs and proposes: a system of objects, technological systems, hybrid systems, where matter, space and time intermingle in what is called a use, or better, an experience.

A proper talent

Developing its singularity

On this continuum that goes from matter to decision, where objects, spaces, signs, interfaces, services and experiences are associated, everyone can and must nevertheless assert their singularity and have a more developed taste and talent for objects, spaces, signs or services.

The global designer thus develops a major skill in one sector, but without ever ignoring the others, and by possessing the codes, if not having total mastery of them.

They thus assert a form of expertise (object / space / interaction / mobility / identity / service / experience / decision) while allowing themselves to move according to opportunities, projects and desires, including the desire to be surprised!

And it is obviously in collaboration, where talent is added on all these dimensions, that it is possible to design complete and controlled systems.



Projects are always bigger than those who participate in them, and no one can claim to understand, master and solve everything on their own today.

The world is dense, open, connected, and the problems and opportunities are on a scale of the planet: huge, complex and uncertain.

The designer, however generous he may be, can understand and produce absolutely nothing alone, nor surrounded only by designers.

Design is bigger than designers, and it is in association with engineers, marketers, communicators, sociologists, researchers, and many experts that it can hope to produce answers that are systemic in nature.

A demanding job

A demanding job

Being a global designer is a demanding project.
The world is changing every day, so you have to follow its changes, if not anticipate them.

It is therefore necessary to be constantly on the lookout, to be informed, to cultivate oneself, in all fields: arts, sciences, technologies, social sciences, politics, ... All possibilities to enlighten the world must be exploited.

It is at this price (but it is a sweet price to pay, because cultivating oneself is a pleasure!), that the global designer can hope to remain so for a long time, by tackling a wide variety of problems, which will connect him/her to the world all the time.

An exhilarating job

An exhilarating job

Because this is the promise of the job of a global designer: to stay connected to the world in an inquisitive and ingenious way.
To see it move as much as to make it move.
Repairing it as much as embellishing it.
Bringing joy as well as care.
To make it livable, for everyone and for a long time.

An exhilarating job

Because this is the promise of the job of a global designer: to stay connected to the world in an inquisitive and ingenious way.
To see it move as much as to make it move.
Repairing it as much as embellishing it.
Bringing joy as well as care.
To make it livable, for everyone and for a long time.

An exhilarating job
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